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2023-04-05 09:00:21





  Aluminum alloy shell is widely used in cars, what are the advantages of it?

  Aluminum alloy has the advantages of light weight, corrosion resistance, good thermal conductivity, so aluminum alloy shell is widely used in cars. Aluminum alloy shell can effectively reduce the weight of the car body, so as to reduce the fuel consumption of the car; in addition, the aluminum alloy shell has good shock resistance and impact resistance, can effectively protect the internal components of the car from damage; the aluminum alloy shell also has good heat insulation, can effectively prevent the overheating of the car interior components.

  Because the aluminum alloy shell has the above advantages, more and more automobile manufacturers begin to use the aluminum alloy shell, the aluminum alloy shell has become a popular improvement project on the car. However, the aluminum alloy shell also has some disadvantages. First, the price of aluminum alloy shell is expensive, several times of the ordinary car shell; secondly, the aluminum alloy shell has a certain impact on the beauty of the car, making the car look less beautiful.

  Despite the disadvantages of aluminum alloy shell, but because it has the advantages of reducing the weight of the car, good shock resistance, impact resistance, heat insulation, etc., it is still widely used in cars.

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