
專(zhuān)注高精密零件CNC零件加工 從設(shè)計(jì)到機(jī)加工,讓高品質(zhì)零件制造更簡(jiǎn)單




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2023-04-05 09:00:33




  2.在檢查白鋼外殼表面質(zhì)量時(shí),應(yīng)注意檢查表面是否平整、光滑,以確保 表面質(zhì)量。










  The processing flow of white steel shell includes the following main steps: 1. Measuring the size of white steel shell; 2. Checking the surface quality of white steel shell; 3. Cleaning the surface of white steel shell; 4. Cutting white steel shell; 5. Polishing the surface of white steel shell; 6. Cleaning the surface of white steel shell; 7. Welding white steel shell; 8. Checking the quality of white steel shell welding points; 9. Polishing the surface of white steel shell; 10. Packing white steel shell.

  The above are the problems that are bound to occur in the processing of white steel shell. So how can we effectively optimize the processing flow of white steel shell? According to market demand, we will introduce the following points:

  1. When measuring the size of white steel shell, professional measuring tools should be used to ensure the measurement accuracy.

  2. When checking the surface quality of white steel shell, attention should be paid to checking whether the surface is flat and smooth, so as to ensure the surface quality.

  3. When cleaning the surface of white steel shell, professional cleaning tools should be used to ensure the cleanliness of surface.

  4. When cutting white steel shell, professional cutting tools should be used to ensure the cutting accuracy.

  5. When polishing the surface of white steel shell, professional polishing tools should be used to ensure that the surface is smooth and flat.

  6. When cleaning the surface of white steel shell, professional cleaning tools should be used to ensure the cleanliness of surface.

  7. When welding white steel shell, professional welding tools should be used to ensure the quality of welding points.

  8. When checking the quality of white steel shell welding points, attention should be paid to checking whether the welding points are firm, so as to ensure the quality.

  9. When polishing the surface of white steel shell, professional polishing tools should be used to ensure that the surface is smooth and flat.

  10. When packing white steel shell, professional packing tools should be used to ensure the quality of products.

  The above is the suggestion of how to optimize the processing flow of white steel shell. I hope it can help you.

助力合作伙伴項(xiàng)目早日上市,打磨亮點(diǎn),加工制造亮點(diǎn),讓產(chǎn)品更容易銷(xiāo)售。已經(jīng)服務(wù)的企業(yè)達(dá)到500多家,更多的 【加工案例】沒(méi)有展現(xiàn)在網(wǎng)站,如果有需要請(qǐng)點(diǎn)擊 【聯(lián)系方式】 精密加工聯(lián)系


